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81 From 82
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-39 %
Magnetic pendant in Cubic design
Magnetic pendant...
£28.00 * £46.55 *
-16 %
Flexible bracelet
Flexible bracelet
The flexible tennis bracelet-style bracelet made of highly polished stainless steel is easy to slip on and super comfortable to wear, even if your hands are a little swollen. The brilliance of the carefully hand-set, faceted zirconia is...
£47.00 * £56.05 *
-37 %
Magnetic stud earrings
Magnetic stud...
An exciting design that is super versatile to wear: The combination of fine matt and highly polished design elements and the combination of silver-coloured stainless steel with partial gold-coloured surface finishing make these earrings...
£33.00 * £52.25 *
-41 %
Bangle gold-coloured with zirconia Water Drop
Gold-coloured stainless steel bangle with zirconias in the elegant Water Drop Design: A classically elegant eye-catcher, effectively complemented with neodymium magnets. The side clasp provides perfect hold. Available in M and L....
£33.00 * £56.05 *
-34 %
Cubic magnetic necklace with seven white zirconia stones
Cubic magnetic...
The MAGNETIX statement chain of the Cubic collection combines the breathtaking radiance of white zirconia with the energy of a strong neodymium magnet. Understatement meets opulence. The design of the Cubic collection plays with...
£37.00 * £56.05 *
-24 %
Solitaire ring gold-coloured with cubic zirconia
Solitaire ring...
Brilliant solitaire ring with large zirconia and discreetly integrated magnets - so beautiful that it could make a Hollywood career as an engagement ring.
£28.00 * £37.05 *
-21 %
Magnetic necklace with Tree of Life pendant
Magnetic necklace...
The necklace made of stainless steel and chrysoprase beads with Tree of Live motif combines life energy and naturalness. Chrysoprase is a gemstone that gives peace, security and confidence and is said to be helpful in depressive moods...
£33.00 * £42.75 *
-33 %
Magnetic earrings
Magnetic earrings
Magnetohrstecker mit Zirkonia und bunten Kristall-Kuben in erfrischendem Türkis. Das Quadrat versinnbildlicht die Erde, seine 4 Ecken stehen für die Jahreszeiten und die 4 Elemente Erde, Wasser, Luft und Feuer. Die starken Neodym-Magnete...
£18.00 * £27.55 *
-16 %
Flexible magnetic bracelet Honeycomb bicolour with zirconia
Flexible magnetic...
Golden yellow honey - the colour alone makes it clear how valuable and healthy honey is for humans. Honey sweetens our lives, while containing more valuable nutrients than ordinary sugar - and the unusual shape of the honeycomb is a...
£47.00 * £56.05 *
-17 %
Honig versüßt uns das Leben, dabei enthält er mehr wertvolle Nährstoffe als gewöhnlicher Zucker –die außergewöhnliche Form der Honigwaben ist ein Design-Element, das sich super vielseitig kombinieren lässt und modisch und zeitlos...
£43.00 * £52.25 *
-27 %
Magnetic mat for animals
Magnetic mat for...
Die kuschelige Matte in beige ist der neue Lieblingsplatz Ihrer vierbeinigen Freunde! Sie bietet ausreichend Platz zum Verweilen und spendet mit 8 Neodym-Magneten besonders wirkungsvollen Komfort für Ihr Haustier. Dank dem Textilmix aus...
£52.00 * £71.25 *
-28 %
Magnetic bracelet
Magnetic bracelet
Puristisch und wirkungsvoll: Das Armband aus schwarzen Lava-Kuben und geometrischen Deko-Elementen aus feinmattiertem, sanft abgerundetem Edelstahl ist zweifellos ein Must have. Denn es lässt sich super leicht anlegen, immer in deiner...
£33.00 * £46.55 *
81 From 82


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